1. Can Rockite be used outdoors?
    • Yes, but only after cement has completely set and dried. It must then be sealed with concrete sealer or painted with a high grade exterior paint.
  2. How much water do I mix in with Rockite and Kwixset?
    • 3.5 oz of water per pound of cement for a thick mix. 4 oz of water per pound of product for a thin, pourable mix. Be careful not to use too much water! Use just enough water to achieve a thick pancake batter -like consistency.
  3. I mixed my Rockite and started to use it. Now it is starting to set. Can I mix more water with it to increase the working time?
    • No! Once you mix the Rockite it must be used immediately. When it starts to set, it is too late to mix in more water; you must mix another batch. It is a better idea to make small batches as you go.
  4. Do I have to paint Kwixset after I use it outdoors?
    • No, Kwixset is weatherproof and does not need to be sealed or painted outdoors.